4th Construction Equipment Forum 2021

4th Construction Equipment Forum 2021

da Sophia Wamberg

13.09.2021 1 12084

All stakeholders in the entire construction supply chain together in one place

Press release 01/2021

4th Construction Equipment Forum 2021

Conference & Networking Event

Nov 03 - 04, 2021, Berlin



All stakeholders in the entire construction supply chain together in one place

With the title "The Future is Now - The Pandemic as an Innovation Accelerator", we are successfully starting the fourth edition of the Construction Equipment Forum conference series. After the complete virtualization of the last event in November 2020 and the challenges of the global pandemic, we are now looking positively to the realization of the 4th Construction Equipment Forum 2021 on November 03 - 04, 2021 in Berlin. The management conference brings together the entire supply chain of the construction machinery industry: Across industries, OEMs, suppliers and customers exchange ideas intensively for two days, make new contacts and mutually enrich each other. The event is rounded off by the innovation exhibition with inspiring solutions and products. Together with the foundation partners Ammann Group, Wacker Neuson SE, STRABAG AG, SchaefflerTechnologies AG & Co. KG and Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NV, the conference will focus on the topics "climate-neutral construction site", "digital and autonomous future technologies" and "Covid-19 learnings".

At a glance

• 450 physical participants and 250 virtual participants
• Hybrid: physical conference with virtual tickets
• 60+ exhibitors & sponsors
• 60+ speakers
• 92% recommendation rate

As a member, you will receive 10% discount on tickets. Register online for the event and enter the discount code CEF21COOP1 in the last step. Click here to go directly to the participant registration: www.constructionforum.eu/register.


Sophia Wamberg

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