Interview with Jean Schaper, Global Used Equipment manager by Dynapac

Interview with Jean Schaper, Global Used Equipment manager by Dynapac

by Sophia Wanberg

14.09.2021 0 5581

Mr. Schaper, you are the Global Used Equipment manager for Dynapac brand. Could you please tell us your story?

I was growing up with used Construction machines because my father had his own Business and today I am over 34 years in business.

20 years ago I recognized my preference for Road Construction Machines because I was born in Hameln / Germany the hometown of the

Legendary ABG TITAN Paver. I worked 16 years for ABG and later 3 years for BOMAG before I changed in the beginning of 2019 to DYNAPAC.

Why did you choose to work for the Dynapac brand?  

Because the Company belongs to the FAYAT Group = an multi flexible Family Business and very close to the customer and markets with the Premium Brand DYNAPAC

Dynapac is one of the leading brands for Compaction, Paving, and Compact Equipment. What are your brand’s and equipments’ strengths? 

very flat hierarchy, quick and fast decisions and interactions when   markets and techniques are changing = real Family business

Dealing with international clients, how important is it to give them a safe buying experience today? 

Very important because pavers are not only an machine it is an tool which it is mandatory to achieve quality paving

Dynapac is well known in the whole world but in which countries, areas of the world or even continents are you more present? 

Of course we are very strong in North Europe because of our long Swedish history and tradition. Other DYNAPAC dominated countries are the US, South America, MEA and far east incl. Oceania. 

Your product range is vast. Could you present us with your flagship models and tell us in which region of the world this or that machine is sold? 

Our “runner” are at the moment the material transfer vehicle / Asphalt Feeder DYNAPAC MF2500CS & swing app with a unique technique to achieve a very high output, our CA Soil Compactors Series incl. patented SEISMIC Compaction measurement and our SD2500CS paver where the 2500 machine was just built

Due to the current Covid situation that we are all facing, business transactions are a bit slow and tradeshows are mostly cancelled. How do you handle the situation? 

We do our very best to not lose contact with our customers by using TEAMS Video communication and using function Videos of new and used machines to give our customer =  business partner as much as possible information to decide also with limited personal contact. 

To which event do you plan to assist in the coming year? SAMOTER in Verone? INTERMAT in Paris? Any others? 

If possible I like to join both events and the NORDBAU in North Germany because this trade show always has many customers from Scandinavia and the Baltics.


Sophia Wanberg

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